You already know that here at Onçafari we are always doing our best to get things done – and this newsletter that you’re reading talks a lot about it. From a new scientific paper receiving international recognition on how successful Isa and Fera’s reintroduction process was to the new miniseries “Onçafari’s Biologists Academy”, in which we tried to show the routine of our new biologists in training, discover now the highlights of what happened during the last month at Onçafari and keep being part of this group of people who believe in conservation as an engine for a better future.
Let’s stay together for this cause!
Best regards,
Mario Haberfeld Onçafari's Founder
Another reintroduction completes its cycle with absolute success
After Isa proved the absolute success of her reintroduction process by becoming a grandmother, now her sister Fera, also one of the first jaguars reintroduced at Onçafari, followed the same steps: Ferinha, her first daughter, was spotted next to her very first cub. As such events highlight the effectiveness of Onçafari’s reintroduction process, the team, together with other collaborators, wrote a scientific article on the topic. Last month this paper was published on Oryx, an internationally recognized conservation magazine – which stands out that our work at Onçafari is also being recognized outside Brazil. Biologist Edu Fragoso, coordinator of Onçafari Science and one of the authors of the article, wrote about this achievement on our blog.
Read now on our website and learn more about everything that made Isa and Fera’s reintroduction an example of success for the world.
New miniseries shows the routine of our biologists in training
Our new biologists and bilingual guides underwent an intense training at Pantanal before start getting things done at the different bases around Brazil. For you to understand a little more about how the daily lives of our biologists are, we decided to document this whole process – and that’s how the miniseries “Onçafari’s Biologists Academy” was born. Check out now what they learned in the process – from the importance of jaguars’ radio-collars to how to identify different animals during a safari – and discover a little about the routine of those who always wake up before sunshine to search for jaguars in the wild. Although all videos are in Portuguese, you can always enable YouTube’s automatic translation.
Did you know that we also monitor other species?
Inhabiting most of Latin America, the giant anteater can be found in different Brazilian biomes. Able to reach more than two meters in length – not to mention its tongue, with 60 cm all covered in sticky saliva, and its big claws, used to open anthills and termite mounds – the giant anteater can eat up to 30,000 ants and termites every day – for real! – and is a difficult prey even for a jaguar. Have you ever imagined finding one of these giants? With Onçafari, it’s possible.
Find out more about the giant anteater by clicking the button below and keep reading our newsletters to learn more curiosities about all the species we monitor here at Onçafari: our locations are in the Pantanal, the Cerrado, the Amazon rainforest and the Atlantic Forest and, with us, the fauna is always under observation.
Kids lead pins sale project for Onçafari
Last year, after visiting Onçafari and the Arara Azul Institute at Caiman Ecological Refuge with their families, seven children were so delighted with the jaguar’s world that they decided to take action and contribute with the conservation projects. But how? Making pins, selling to their friends and donating the money raised. And it was a success! With their parents help, they managed to raise a total of R$ 2,500.00 which was divided between Onçafari and Arara Azul Institute. Thank you very much, Joana, Joaquim, Francisco, José, Pedro, Vicente and Joaquim R. We are very happy with your initiative for the jaguars and all the animals that we have here in Pantanal. The jaguars and nature thank you a lot!